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At the edge of the Universe there hung a star in the sky. It felt so lonely sitting there, watching the sun rise and shine and make the world brighter for everyone on Earth. The star was sad. It wondered when everyone would be happy to see her.

One day on its daily rounds around a world, it stopped at a coffee shop. Everyone in the coffee shop was so happy to see the star. The star was delighted to have to walk in and have such an extravagant applause; it was never in the limelight. The patrons of the coffee shop, Mr. Saturn, and Mr. Jupiter waved at the little star. They said hello and asked how she was doing? The little star was amazed; no one ever gave it attention. But today was different. The coffee shop owner decided to celebrate the star, they all cheered: “Hip Hip Hoorah, the little star at the north end.” The star was in tears. It came time for all the patrons to make speeches about the little star. Mr. Saturn stood up and spoke first: “Little star, you may be small but you are wonderful, you provide light to so many of us, especially Mr. Jupiter.” Everyone chuckled at this. The star unsure of the joke, smiled. He continued: “Little star, you may not be as bright as the sun.” At this the little star grew a little sad. “But you are the only one that provides us with direction. You and only you know the way around the universe, pointing always to the North. And you are the brightest star in that direction, without you the planets would not know in what direction to follow the sun.” The little star was very thrilled to hear this. The coffee shop doors opened and the Sun walked in. He was bright and beautiful but on seeing the little star he quieted down. He came up sheepishly and spoke his feelings: “I always wanted to tell you that without you Little star, I wouldn’t know in which direction to rise. You are the reason everyone on Earth is happy. I only play the part but you direct us.” On hearing all the praise, the little star was again in tears. The little star that never speaks, spoke to the crowd; “Thank you, Thank you, I always thought I was a nobody, that no one cared but I realize that in our daily duties of being planets or stars, we forget how important it is to thank everyone and what an important job or role you play. Everyone is always grateful, and we all belong to a team. If one of us sits out, we wouldn’t be able to make the people of Earth happy.”

The people of Earth heard a faint applause and then a happy cheer: “Hip Hip Hoorah, the little star at the north end.”

Sometimes when we are busy, we forget what other people mean to us. Its important to say it, and just as important is to believe that you are important to other people too. This is the morale of the story.

To Dearest Sinthu, My little star.

Where else but with you would I find happiness

Where else but with you would I find anbu

Where else but with you would I find tales to tell

Where else but with you would I think to make faces

Where else but with you would I laugh until it hurt

Where else but with you would I think to wander down memory lane

Where else but with you would I smile, thinking of these very lines

Where else would here be, but with you?

To Shoba, for withstanding the perfect storm: me

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